Well, I seem to have gathered your attention. ;)
Are you ready for the most hardcore gaming experience of your life? A game that doesn't take itself seriously at all, and will throw enemies at you that use their crotch as weapons? Well then... sit down and enjoy a look at why YOU should buy this one-of-a-kind game!
Ok, you are sitting, right? Good... :)
The Sty-le!
The sty-le of this game may be a very strange cel-shaded look that may not apeal to everyone's eye... but that is not the sty-le I am talking about. This game has STY-LE!
In a world of videogames that are trying so hard to destroy the ever decreasing line between videogames and movies, No More Heroes crashes through your TV screen and screams in your face that it is a videogame and is proud of it! From the pure pixilated look, to the several refrences to videogaming past, No More Heroes represents what videogames are!
Are you dissapointed by the graphics of this game? Do you find yourself cringing with each screen that appears? Well GET OVER IT! No More Heroes is about the kicka** dialoge, the crazy scenes, and the over-the-top characters!
The Characters!
Speaking of characters... they are as crazy as they come!
From the Crazy Crotch Shooting Destroy Man -
to the seemingly normal Doctor Naomi
This game is teaming with tons of crazy characters to always keep you interested!
See a full(er) list here of ALL the characters here!
The Gameplay!
This Interesting Article details the gameplay in No More Heroes! Make Sure YOU check it out!
Here are a few pictures of what to expect with this game!
Do Crazy Finishing Moves!
Rent movies to learn new Wrestling Moves!
Engage in one-on-one struggles with opponents
Drive around all of Santa Destroy!
You can even impale enemies by using your Beam Katana as a BaseBall Bat!
The Previews!
IGN - What you'll really be getting with No More Heroes is a stylistic offering very rare outside of Grasshopper Studios on Wii, or anywhere else for that matter.
GameSpot -No More Heroes, with its distinctive look, dark humour, and simple but challenging, satisfying visceral gameplay, is shaping up into a game that fans of Suda 51 and Wii owners in general should look forward to...
And More!
The Reviews!
GameTrailers - 8.2/10
Super Concentrated ****and constant action makes No More Heroes an unmistakable original for the Wii. The game boldly wears both it's heart and its punk-rock attitude on its sleeve and manages a totally playable action control scheme for the Wii that uses the Wii-mote without abusing it... The killer vibe and amazing moments make this heroic effort worth checking out!
N-Gamer - 9.4/10
You've already showed your friends Super Mario Galaxy. It gave you the same feeling as when you saw Ridge Racer on the PSOne, or Super Mario 64 on N64, or Soul Calibur on the Dreamcast - games that you could stick on your telly and say "look - this is a brilliant, brilliant game." Well, No More Heroes is another game like that; something that will awe people.
Anywhere else and No More Heroes would still be hatstand chicken-punching bonkers, but nowhere else would it be so entirely at home than on the console with the crazy split-in-two controller and the arm-flapping games. Like the Wii, none of it should work, but like the Wii, everything does. Brilliantly.
The Extras!
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